Thursday, August 18, 2011

"Spiritual but not Religious"

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When I took a comparative religions class, our professor outlined the religions we would be covering. He was quick to tell us that we would not be studying "spiritualism" or Neo-Paganism, "that New Age stuff people are into these days." His reasoning was that no one could give him a strong answer when he asked what it meant to be "spiritual," thus he didn't believe it could be categorized as a religion.

I suppose in his way he was right. Spiritualism isn't exactly a "religion," as we think of organized religions. There are no defined authorities, no rites or rituals, not even a community of agreement much of the time. Neo-Paganism, of course, offers these things in one form or another, but my professor discounted this branch of belief and practice as a fad. It seems that young religions never get the respect they earn with age.

I consider myself spiritual, but not religious at this point. I believe there is a power out there, whatever form it may take, or it may be formless. I have no religion, no rites to practice. I dabble at the rites and rituals of some, but more out of curiosity than true belief or practice. Nothing has felt completely like "home" yet, and so I continue searching. I'm still disturbed at times by the implications of not having a religion, not having a "strong argument" for what I feel and why. But maybe that's part of the journey, finding those things, or letting them find me.

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